Authress has automated away the Login configuration experience. Our default managed UI was already fully customizable, and now it comes with translations for over 26 languages including regional locales.
The customized login screen language is dynamically selected based on your user's preferred language and locale.
Additional languages and locales
At the time of the release the supported locales are these, and more are coming. But if the one you are looking for isn't listed, just reach out to our support to make a language or locale support request.
Current list:
- Afrikaansbn
- Bengalida
- Danishde
- Germande-AT
- German | Austriade-DE
- German | Germanyde-CH
- German | Switzerlanden
- Englishen-AU
- English | Australiaen-CA
- English | Canadaen-GB
- English | United Kingdomen-US
- English | United Stateses
- Spanishes-AR
- Spanish | Argentinaes-CL
- Spanish | Chilees-MX
- Spanish | Mexicoes-ES
- Spanish | Spainfr
- Frenchfr-BE
- French | Belgiumfr-CA
- French | Canadafr-FR
- French | Francefr-CH
- French | Switzerlandit
- Italianit-IT
- Italian | Italyit-CH
- Italian | Switzerlandja-JP
- Japanesepl-PL
- Polishpt
- Portuguesept-BR
- Portuguese | Brazilpt-PT
- Portuguese | Portugaluk-UA
- Ukrainian