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Authress OpenTofu provider

OpenTofu Provider​

Authress supports a first-class OpenTofu provider to automatically configure Authress from OpenTofu. The source of provider is available on GitHub.

GitHub Workflow Forums OpenTofu


Since terraform is usually configured and deployed through CI/CD automation, the necessary Authress credentials can be configured by following one of the Authress CI/CD guides. These guides make it easy to configure Authress credentials. Checkout the GitHub or GitLab documentation or jump to the Authress Management Portal to run the optimized quick start guide for CI/CD providers.


Install the Authress OpenTofu provider, and review the recommended usage in the OpenTofu documentation.

OpenTofu default configuration for Authress
terraform {
required_providers {
authress = {
source = "authress/authress"

provider "authress" {
# Specify your Authress custom domain, configured at
custom_domain = ""

See more details in the documentation for the Authress OpenTofu provider.